Month and year of Examination: Nov 2015
Paper/code: Visual Programming/SEZ5A

  1. State the different data types in VB.
  2. 2. List down the various controls available in VB
  3. Write any four properties of command button.
  4. Write the syntax of select Case control structure in VB with an example.
  5. Using RND function, generate some random numbers.
  6. Write the syntax of format function with an example.
  7. What are the two kinds of general procedures in VB
  8. Write a recursive function in VB for calculating factorial of a number.
  9. Write a short note on data grid
  10. List any four debugging tools
  11. Explain the two types of an application interface.
  12. What are the three fundamental mouse event procedures?

  1. Write short notes on the following:
a)      Text Box
b)      Check Box
c)      Message Box
  1. List out any three string functions with syntax and example.
  2. What is a control array?Explain with example
  3.  Explain the steps in designing and using menus in VB
  4. Explain the decision-making statements in VB with their syntax and example.
  5. Explain list view common control in detail
  6. Explain the general form of the File Open Command.

  1. Explain the various form properties with illustrated examples.
  2. Design a form and with their properties and coding to implement at least 5 numeric and date and time functions.
  3. What are list Box and combo boxes? Differentiate them. Illustrate them with coding to add and remove items in the list and combo boxes.
  4. Describe any four methods of common dialog box control.
  5. Explain any five events/methods/properties used for drag and drop operation for controls.

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