Month & year of Examination: November 2010
Paper: Visual Programming
Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 )

1. What is the size of the variant data type?
2. Write any 2 various kinds of list box.
3. Describe visual data manager.
4. How many procedures are in VB?
5. Write any 2 kinds of Dialog Box.
6. Elaborate the Style Properties of Combo Box?
7. What is control array?
8. What is Multiple Document interface?
9. Describe menus.
10. Describe File.
11. Elaborate the kinds of validation available in VB?
12. Describe fault trap.
Part-B (5 X 5 =25)
13. Discuss the label, forms and text boxes and their uses with examples.
14. Write a note on different String functions with examples.
15. Explain how to manage forms in VB.
16. Elaborate the Common Dialog Controls? Discuss.
17. Explain briefly the multiple document interface forms.
18. Discuss briefly about the testing and debugging of code.
19. What is the use of OLE in VB? Discuss.

Part-C (3 X 10 = 30)

20. Discuss the VB integrated development environment elements.
21. Discuss the control flow and looping statements with examples.
22. Discuss the following:
a) Control arrays.
b) Do Event and Submenu.
23. How the dialog boxes are used in VB? Discuss the different Dialog Boxes.
24. Discuss the file handling and file system controls with examples.

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