1. What is operating system?
2. What is Swapping?
3. What are the two schemes of distributed system?
4. What is paging?
5. Define: Semaphore.
6. What is turn around time?
7. What is segmentation?
8. What is deadlock?
9. Define Virtual memory.
10. What is Thrashing?
11. What do you mean by best fit?
12. What is meant by context switch?

13. Write short notes on:Evolution of operating system
14. Explain inter process communication.
15. Explain how count semaphore can be implemented using binary semaphore.
16. Describe how swapping takes place in memory management?
17. What are fragmentation and storage compaction?Explain.
18. Describe the function of file management.
19. Write a note on disk drivers.
20. What are the merits and demerits of segmented memory management and paged memory management?.Explain.
21. Describe how to detect and avoid the deadlock.
22. Discuss in detail about I/O controller.
23. Discuss the file security and protection problem handled by operating system.
24. Explain the following scheduling algorithms
      a)   Round robin.
      b)   shortest-job-first
      c)  FCFS

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