Month & Year of Examination: November 2014
                                                              PART – A

1. Define operating system.
2. What is a process?
3. What are the types of management present in operating system?
4. What is semaphore?
5. What is monitor? Draw the diagrammatic view of a monitor.
6. What is dynamic loading?
7. What are the problems occurred due to fragmentation?
8. What is the use of paging scheme?
9. List down the types of access methods.
10. What is a file?
11. Write down the examples of peripheral devices.
12. How can we give authentication? Explain.
                                                              PART – B
13. Explain about any two types of operating systems.
14. Write short notes on threads.
15. What is critical section? What are the requirements that must satisfy to avoid these section problems?
16. How to protect deadlock situation? Explain.
17. Write the comparisons between contiguous and non-contiguous allocation.
18. Write a note on page replacement and its requirement.
19. How to transform I/O request to hardware operation? Explain briefly.
                                                               PART – C
20. Explain about process scheduling with a diagram in detail.
21. Explain in detail about classical problem of synchronization.
22. Explain in detail about (a) Swapping and (b) Overlays
23. Write in detail about implementation of file system.
24. Discuss about the access, matrix with its implementation

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