Month and Year of Examination: November 2015
Code: SAZ4B
Paper: Operating System
1. Write down the storage device hierarchy with its diagram.
2. What is Virtual machine?
3. Write the difference between job and process scheduler.
4. When does the deadlock situation arise?
5. Define: Monitor.
6. What is Overlay?
7. Write down the differences between paging and segmentation scheme.
8. What is Virtual memory?
9. Define: Thrashing.
10. What are the file attributes?
11. What is an Interface?
12. What is Encryption?
13. Explain about any two types of systems.
14. Explain about the services that are provided by the operating system.
15. What is Interprocess communication? And How does it perform?
16. What are the requirements to satisfy critical section problem?
17. Write short notes on: Dynamic Loading and Linking.
18. Explain about any one of page replacement algorithm.
19. How to transform I/O requests to hardware operations? Explain.

20. Explain about Shortest-Job first scheduling of CPU.
21. Write a note on: Deadlock .How to get recovery from Deadlock?
22. Explain about the paged memory management scheme with its diagram.
23. What are the ways of accessing the information from the file? Explain them.
24. A) what is spooling?
      B) What is Kernel?
     C) What is Authentication?
     D) What is Threat?
     Give a brief note on the above of each.
Month and Year of Examination: November 2015
Paper: Operating system/code: SAE5A
                                                                   Sect ion-A
1. What are the goals of an operating system?
2. Name any four criteria that are used for comparing CPU Scheduling algorithms.
3. Define: Cooperating process.
4. Give the names of methods that are used for handling deadlocks.
5. Define: Monitor
6. What are frames and pages in memory?
7. How is memory protection in a paged environment accomplished?
8. List any four file attributes.
9. State the principle followed in LRU page replacement algorithm.
10. Define: Buffer.
11. What is the most common approach used for authenticating an user identity?
12. What are the components of an encryption algorithm?

13. Explain the First Come, First Served CPU-Scheduling algorithm.
14. Write a note on semaphores.
15. Elaborate the dining philosophers problem
16. Discuss the concept of address binding.
17. Describe the various aspects of demand paging system.
18. Explain the issues associated with file protection.
19. Describe the treats against computer systems.
20. Explain the inter process communication mechanism.
21. Discuss the issues with deadlock detection and deadlock recovery.
22. Give detailed discussions about segmentation.
23. Describe the different schemes used for defining the logical structure of a directory in the file systems.
24. Explain the Kernel I/O subsystem.

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