1. Define Encapsulation.
2. Write a note on :Java Character set.
3. List the Data types of Java.
4. How to create an object in Java?.Give an example.
5. Define:Inheritance.
6. What are packages?
7. How do we start a thread?
8. Define :Exception.
9. What are Applets?
10. What are character Stream classes?
11. What is Data-grams?
12. How to draw lines in Java?.Give an example.
13. write short notes on:Java Tokens.
14. Write a Java Program to illustrate Creation and casting of variables.
15. What is Method Overloading?Explain with an example Java Program.
16. Discuss any Five commonly used string methods with examples.
17. Write short notes on Applet Life Cycle.
18. Discuss about Thread priority with examples.
19. Write about TCP/IP and URL.
20. Explain about basic concepts of object oriented programming.
21. Write a java program to illustrate the use of constructors.
22. Write a Java program to demonstrate implementation of Multiple Inheritance
23. Explain about the syntax of Exception Handling code with Examples.
24. Describe working with frames in Java with examples.

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