Subject Name: Programming in Java
Subject Code: SAZ4A

Section – A (10 * 2 = 20 marks)

1. Write a note on: Java Character Set.
2. Define Variables.
3. What is meant by automatic type conversion?
4. Define Constructors.
5. What is method overloading?
6. What are Java API Packages?
7. How to block a thread? Give an example.
8. What are Exceptions?
9. Write a note on: drawline method.
10. What are Byte Stream Classes?
11. Define: Datagrams.
12. What is AWT?

Section – B (5 x 5 = 25 marks)

13. Discuss briefly on: Java Tokens.
14. What is Type Casting? Explain with examples.
15. What are Important Vector Methods? Discuss briefly.
16. Write a Java program fro creating threads using the Thread class.
17. Discuss briefly about syntax of Exception Handling Code.
18. Write short notes on: Applet Life Cycle.
19. What is URL? Discuss about URL class usage in Java.

Section – C (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

20. Explain the features of Java.
21. Write a Java program to illustrate method overriding.
22. Explain about creating package and ascending a package with examples.
23. Describe in detail, any four drawing methods of the graphics class with suitable examples.
24. Write a Java program to illustrate the usage of any two AWT controls. 

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