1.VBScript is a lightweight scripting language, which has a lightning fast interpreter.

2.VBScript is case insensitive. It has a very simple syntax, easy to learn and to implement.

3.Unlike C++ or Java, VBScript is an object-based scripting language and NOT an Object-Oriented Programming language.

4.uses Component Object Model (COM) in order to access the elements of the environment in which it is executing.

5.Successful execution of VBScript can happen only if it is executed in Host Environment such as Internet Explorer (IE),

Internet Information Services (IIS) and Windows Scripting Host (WSH)

6.VBScript is also used for Network Administration, System Administration and for UFT Test Automation.

7.VBScript talks to host applications using Windows Script. With Windows Script, browsers and other host applications do

not require special integration code for each scripting component.

8.Excel application object is available in vbscript to perform operations in Excel application.

9.Database object model are available in vbscript to connect Database

10.Dictionary object is available to handle associative arrays.

11.Word Application object is available in VBscript to perform  operations on Word Application /documents.

12.Handling Expected errors and unexpected errors is easy using statements of Vbscript.

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