SECTION-A (2 X 10 = 20)
1. Define variable. Give some examples.
2. What is virtual function?
3. What do you mean by single inheritance?
4. Define compile time and run time polymorphism.
5. What is the purpose of eof() function?
6. Write the use of get pointer.
7. Mention the methods of representing two dimensional arrays in memory.
8. Write the postfix form of the expression X-Y *Z/A.
9. What do you mean by circular queue?
10. What is a forest?
11. Define the terms: degree of a node and depth of a tree.
12. What is meant by a sub graph of a graph?.Give some examples.
SECTION-B (5 X 5 = 25)
13. Explain inline function .Also write c ++ program to find the biggest of two numbers using inline function.
14. Explain operator function with syntax and example.
15. How do you open and close a file?
16. Describe primitive and composite data types.
17. Briefly explain the applications of stack.
18. Explain the procedure to insert a node in a singly linked list.
19. Describe any two popular hash functions.
SECTION – C (3 X 10 =30)
20. Discuss different forms of if statement with suitable examples.
21. Explain Dummy and Argument Constructors.
22. Write short notes on:
a) Command line arguments
b) Arrays
23. Describe the concept of queue and also write algorithms to insert and delete an element in a queue.
24. Explain the following tree traversal algorithms:
a) Preorder
b) In order
c) Post order.

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