SECTION –A (2 X 10 = 20)
1. Define Software Reliability.
2. What are Medium Size Projects?
3. List the various Programming Team Structure.
4. What are Data Flow Diagrams?
5. Define: Event tables
6. What is meant by Deadlock?
7. Write a note on: Content Coupling
8. What is Step wise Refinement?
9. Write the purpose of performance tests.
10. Define: Life-cycle verification.
11. What is meant by Acceptance Testing?
12. Define: Configuration Management.
SECTION-B (5 X 5 = 25)
13. Discuss about Planning for configuration Management and Quality Assurance.
14. Write short notes on: Delphi Cost Estimation.
15. Explain briefly on: Estimating Software Maintenance costs.
16. Discuss State-Oriented Notations in Formal Specification Techniques.
17. Write Short notes on: PSL/PSA
18. Discuss Real Time and Distributed System Design.
19. Write Short Notes on: Any one Source code Metrics.
SECTION-C (3 X 10 = 30)
20. Describe the Phased Life Cycle Model.
21. Explain about various Software Cost Factors.
22. Describe in detail, The Software Requirements Specifications.
23. Explain Software Design Notations.
24. Describe the Development Activities that enhance software Maintainability.

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