Screen object:

The screen object contains information about the visitor's screen.


1. availHeight -Returns height of the screen(excluding windows taskbar) in pixels.
2. availWidth-Returns the width of the screen (excluding windows taskbar) in pixels.
3. colorDepth-Returns bit depth of the color palette  for displaying images.( returns the number of bits used to display one color.)
4.height-Returns total height of the screen
5. pixelDepth-Returns color resolution of the screen
6.width-Returns total width of the screen


1. toSource-Syntax: Object.toSource()
The toSource method returns a literal representing the source code of an object. This can then be used to create a new object.

2. toString-Syntax: Object.toString()
The toString method returns a string representing a specified object.

3. unwatch-Syntax: Object.unwatch(property)
This method removes a watchpoint set for an object and property name with the watch method.

4. valueof-Syntax: Object.valueOf()
This method returns a primitive value for a specified object., handlerfunction)
This method adds a watchpoint to a property of the object.

6.eval-Syntax: Object.eval(string)
It evaluates a string of JavaScript in the context of an object.

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