• A program is a collection of segments. 
  • A segment is a logical unit such as:
  • main program,procedure,function,method,object,local variables,global variables,common block,stack,symbol table,arrays.
  • Segmentation is a memory management scheme that supports user view memory(logical address space).
  • Segmentation allows programs and data to be broken up into logically independent address spaces and to aid sharing and protection.
  • Segmentation is a Memory Management technique in which memory is divided into variable sized chunks which can be allocated to processes. 
  • Each chunk is called a segment. 
  • Logical address space is a collection of segments.
  • Each segment has a name and a length.
  • The addresses specify both the segment name and the offset within the segment.
  • User specifies each address by two quantities:a segment name and  an offset.
  • Segments are numbered and therefore they are referred by segment number instead of segment name.
  • So logical address consists of two tuple:


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