Server-side Comments

  • We can add comments to  ASP.NET pages by using server-side comment blocks. 
  • The beginning of a server-side comment is marked with the characters <%-- and the end of the comment is marked with the characters --%>.
  • Server-side comments can be added to a page for the purposes of documentation. 
  • We cannot see the contents of server-side comment tags, unlike normal HTML comment tags, by using the View Source command on  Web browser.
  • Server-side comments can also be useful when we are debugging an ASP.NET page. 
  • We can temporarily remove both ASP.NET controls and code render blocks from a page by surrounding these elements with server-side comments.

<Script Runat="Server">
 Dim strSomeText As String
 Sub Page_Load
  strSomeText = "Hello!"
 End Sub


<form Runat="Server">

This is inside the comments
<asp:Label Text="hello!" Runat="Server" />
<%= strSomeText %>

This is outside the comments



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