Month and Year of Examination: April 2011

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. How efforts are distributed in a software life cycle?
2. What is a 'Quantified requirement'? Give example.
3. Give the equation for PM and TDEV for application programs and systems programs.
4. What is meant by 'Data Dictionary'?
5. Why 'Information hiding' is needed?
6. What are the levels of Abstraction?
7. What do you mean by 'Recursion'?
8. What is a 'Subtype'?
9. What is 'Functional Test'?
10. What is hypothesis?
11. What is a version control library?
12. Give the Halstead's effort equation.

PART B - (5 x 5 = 25 marks)

13. Write notes on phased life-cycle model.
14. Write short notes on transition tables.
15. Write short notes on 'gist'.
16.Describe the structure of a computer software.
17. Describe integrated top-down development process.
18. Differentiate synchronous and asynchronous message passing mechanisms.
19. Write short note on 'Unit Testing'.

PART C - (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

20. Give the software quality characteristic tree and explain.
21. Give the five laws of program evolution and explain.
22. What are the three programming team structure? Explain with example.
23. Give the software quality assurance plan.
24. Explain Delphi cost estimation.
25. Shortly write notes on type checking.

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