Title of the Paper: Software Engineering
Month & Year of Examination: April - 2013
Subject Code: SAZ5B
PART A - (10 * 2 = 25 marks)

1.Mention any two important general skills of a good software engineer.
2.Define : Project Scheduling.
3.Define : Layers of Software Engineering.
4.List out the software cost factors.
5.What is the use of process specification?
6.What is the goal of requirements management?
7.List any two design principles.
8.What is Architectural design?
9.What is a walkthrough?
10.What is Validation Testing?
11.What is meant by static analysis?
12.What is Software Quality Assurance?

PART B - (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Explain various project size categories.
14. Explain briefly the staffing level estimation techniques.
15. Explain the software requirement specification in brief.
16. What are the fundamental aspects of design concepts?
17. Explain about the metrics for maintenance.
18. Explain modules and modularization criteria.
19. Describe the fundamentals of system testing.

PART C - (3 * 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.

20.Explain about planning the development process in detail.
21.Explain the cost estimation procedure using COCOMO model.
22.What are the formal specification techniques?
23.Explain the design notations in detail.
24.Describe in detail the Software Configuration Management?

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