1.Define Software Engineering?
Software Engineering is the technological and managerial discipline concerned with
systematic production and maintenance of software products that are developed and modified
on time and within cost estimates.

2.What is the goal of Software engineering?
The primary goal of software engineering is to improve the quality of software products and
to increase the productivity and job satisfaction of software engineers.

3.What is the fundamental principle of software engineering?
The fundamental principle of software engineering is to design software products that
minimize the intellectual distance between problem and solution.

4.How programmers spend their time?
  1. writing programs  13%
  2. reading program and manuals 16%
  3. job communication  32%
  4. personal   13%
  5. miscellaneous   15%
  6. training   6%
  7. mail    5%
5.What are the factors that influence quality and productivity of a software project?
  1. Individual ability
  2. team communication
  3. product complexity
  4. appropriate notation
  5. systematic approaches
  6. change control
  7. level of technology
  8. required reliability
  9. available time
  10. problem understanding
  11. required skills
  12. management skills
  13. appropriate goals
  14. rising expectations
  15. stability of requirements
  16. facilities and resources

6.State Brooks law
Adding more programmers to a late project may make it later

7.Define Robustness
The extent to which software can continue to operate correctly despite the introduction of
invalid inputs.

8.Define portability
The ease with which software can be transferred from one computer system or environment to

9.Write down the size categories of a software product
  1. Trivial small medium
  2. large
  3. very large
  4. Extremely large
10.What are the three levels of product complexity?
1.Application programs
2.Utility programs
3.System programs

11.Define Application programs?
Application programs include scientific and data processing routines written in a high level
language such as FORTRAN ,PASCAL or COBOL.

12.Define Utility programs?
Utility programs include compilers,assemblers,linkage editors and loaders.
They are written in high level language  such as PASCAL or ADA or in Assembly language.

13.Define System Programs
System programs include data communications packages,real-time process control systems and
operating systems routines,which are usually written in assembly language or a high level
language systems such as PL/1 or ADA.

14.What are the skills required for a programmer?
1.Good communication skill
4.Knowledge of application area
5.good creative and problem solving skills
6.deductive skills

15.Write down any 4 solutions for Managerial issues?
1.Educate and train top management,project managers and software developers
2.Enforce the use of standards,procedures and documentation
3.Analyze data from prior software projects to determine effective methods

16.What are the  Goals of a software project?How its classified.
Goal are targets for achievement and serve to establish the framework for a software
development project.
Classified as
           qualitative process goal-the development process should enhance the professional

skills of quality assurance personnel.
            quantitative process goal-the system should be delivered within 12 months
            qualitative product goal-the system should make users jobs more interesting
             quantitative product goal-the system should reduce the cost of a transaction by 25 percent

17. Give the Glossary of quality attributes of a software project
  1. Portability
  2. Reliability
  3. Efficiency
  4. Accuracy
  5. Error
  6. Robustness
  7. Correctness 
18. What are the factors to consider in setting project goal
  1. New capabilities to be provided
  2. old capabilities to be preserved
  3. Level of user sophistication
  4. Efficiency requirements
  5. reliability requirements
  6. likely modifications
  7. early subsets and implementation priorities
  8. portability requirements
  9. security concerns 
19.What are the factors to consider in project planning
  1. Estimation techniques to be used,accuracy required
  2. life cycle model,control functions and reviews
  3. organizational structure
  4. level of formality in specification,test plans
  5. level of configuration management required
  6. level of quality assurance required
  7. tools to be developed and used
  8. personnel recruitment and training
  9. follow on maintenance responsibilities 
  10. level of verification and validation

20.What are the methods available for organizing the tasks in a project
  1. Project Format
  2. Functional format
  3. Matrix format
21.What are the programming team structures available ?
1. Democratic teams
2. chief programmer teams
3.hierarchical team structure

22. What do you mean by management by objectives
1. MBO is a related technique popular in software organizations
2. Using MBO,employees set their own goals and objectives with the help of their
supervisor,participate in setting of their supervisors goals and are evaluated by meeting
concrete,written objectives.

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