1.Define Queries?
A question about the data stored in tables, or a request to perform an action on the data.
A query can bring together data from multiple tables to serve as the source of data for a form or report.

2.What is the use of Auto report feature?
  • Reports are used to view, format, and summarize data when we use data base.
  • Reports provide a way to distribute or archive snapshots of data, either by being printed out, converted to PDF or XPS files, or exported to other file formats.
  • Reports can provide details about individual records, summaries across many records, or both.
  • By using Report wizard, displays a multiple-step wizard that lets us specify fields, grouping/sorting levels, and layout options. The wizard creates a report based on the selections we make.
3.What is Datafield?
  • In the structure of a database, the smallest component under which data is entered through data capture or data entry.
  • All data fields in the same database have unique names, several data fields make up a data record, several data records make up a data file, and several data files make up a database.
4.Define distributed databases.
  • A database that consists of two or more data files located at different sites on a computer network.
  • Because the database is distributed, different users can access it without interfering with one another.
5.What is report generator?
  • Report generator is used to create a report.
  • The Report Wizard provides with more flexibility than we get by using the Report button.
  • We can choose the tables and fields, group the data, sort the data, summarize the data, choose a layout and orientation, apply a style, and title our report.
6. What is Database administration?
  • Database administration refers to the whole set of activities performed by a database administrator to ensure that a database is always available as needed. 
  • Other closely related tasks and roles are database security, database monitoring and troubleshooting, and planning for future growth. 
  • Database administration is an important function in any organization that is dependent on one or more databases.
7. What does Database Administrator (DBA) mean?
  • A database administrator, frequently known just by the acronym DBA, is a role usually within the Information Technology department, charged with the creation, maintenance, backups, querying, tuning, user rights assignment and security of an organization's databases. 
  • The role requires technical training and expertise in the specific RDBMS used by the organization, in addition to other skills such as analytical thinking and ability to concentrate on tasks, as well as experience working with databases in the real world.
  • The DBA role is a critical member of the IT team.
8.What is Key field?

  • A field in a record that holds unique data which identifies that record from all the other records in the file or database. 
  • Account number, product code and customer name are typical key fields.
  • As an identifier, each key value must be unique in each record. 
9.State any two DBMS you know:
Some of the database management system are :
1) Microsoft Access : This is the database management system developed by Microsoft. It stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It also has the facilities like importing or linking directly to data stored in other databases and applications.
2) MySQL : MySQL is open source database management system, one of the most popular dbms on the web. It is reliable, fast and also flexible.
3) Oracle : Developed by Oracle corporation. It is object relational database management system. The original version of Oracle software was developed by Software Development Laboratories (SDL). Oracle is regarded to be one of the safe DBMS.
4) Microsoft SQL Server : Microsoft developed this relational database server. The primary function of this software is to store and retrieve the data as requested by other applications, whether those applications are on the same computer or running on other computers across the network (including internet).
5) Filemaker : Filemaker began as a MS-DOS based computer program named nutshell. It is a cross platform relational database management system developed by Filemaker Inc. It is one of the most widely used database platform for both windows and mac.
10. What are the different types Data base users?

1. Database administrators – DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, for coordinating and monitoring its use, and acquiring software and hardware resources as needed.

2. Database designers – identify data to be stored in the database and choosing appropriate structures to represent and store the data.  Most of these functions are done before the database is implemented and populated with the data.  It is the responsibility of the database designers to communicate with all prospective users to understand their requirements and come up with a design that meets these requirements.  Database designers interact with all potential users and develop views of the database that meet the data and processing requirements of these groups.  The final database must support the requirements of all user groups.

3.End Users
  •     Casual End Users – occasionally access, may need different information each time.  Use query language to specify requests.
  •     Naïve or parametric end users – main job is to query and update the database using standard queries and updates.  These canned transactions have been carefully programmed and tested. Examples?
  •     Sophisticated end users – engineers, scientists, analysts who implement applications to meet their requirements.
  •     Stand alone users – maintain personal databases using ready made packages.
4. System Analysts and Programmers
  •     Determine the end user requirements (especially  naïve and parametric end users) and develop specifications for canned transactions that meet the requirements.
  •     Application programmers implement the specifications as programs, then test and debug the programs.
11.How will you invoke Access?
1. Access can be invoked by clicking the icon-Blank database from the toolbar
2. click start button from windows task bar and then choose programs---->Access

12. Explain the terms:
Field: Fundamental unit of information in a table,refers to a column.column. Eg Emp_No
Record:  A collection of related fields that constitute a row in a table .
Table: A data structure which is collection of data organized  into rows and columns.
Database: A Database is a collection of objects,which include tables,forms,reports,queries,modules,macros...which is used to manage data.

13.What are the various objects available in Access?

14.What are the different ways of creating table in Access.
   1. Creating table by using wizard.
   2. Creating table by Design View

15. What are the components of table design window in Access.
   Field name,Field Properties,primary key

16. What are the various data types supported by Access?
  Text,memo,Number,Date/time,Currency,Auto number,yes/no,OLE object ,Hyper Link.

17. What are the various field properties in Access?
Size, Format,Decimal places,Caption,Default value, Validation Text,Required,allow zero length,indexed

18. What is a primary key?
A primary key is a unique key  by which a record can be identified.

19. What are the various types of primary keys in Access?
1.Auto  number primary keys
2. Single field primary keys
3. Multiple field primary keys

20.What is data modeling?
 The conceptual design of the database is to identify the entities and relationships that reflect the organization's data.

21.What are the levels by which data modeling can be achieved?
1. The first level designs the conceptual model of the data
2. The second level removes the data redundancy and organizes the data.

22. What is E_R modeling?
1.is a technique for the analysis and logical modeling of the systems data requirements.
2.using graphical notations,the entities of the database and the relationship that prevails between the entities are represented.

23. Define relationships.
The relationship is the association between the entities.
It is represented by a Rhombus in the E-R diagram
Relationships can also have properties or attributes associated with them.

24.What are the various degrees of relationships?
1.one to one
2. many to one
3.many to many

25.Define E-R diagram? 
1.E-R diagram is a pictorial representation of the relationship among the prevailing entities.
2.A good E-R diagram always has one to many relationships.

26. Define Normalization.
1. is the process of refining the data model built using the E-R diagram.
2. logically groups the data over a number of tables, which are independent and contain no unnecessary data.
3. normalization process contain simple data items,with relationships being represented by replication of key data items.

27.Write the uses of Normalization?
1. Improves database design
2. Minimizes redundancy of data
3. Removes anomalies for database
4.Reduces the necessity to reorganize the data when the database design is modified or improved

28.What are the various steps involved in normalization
1.First normal form-if it contains no repeating groups
2.Second normal form-if all its non key fields are fully dependent on the whole key
3.Third normal form-if all the non key fields of the tables are independent of all other non-key fields of the same table.

29.Write down the steps involved in defining relationships among tables in Access?
1.Click the primary key field in the master table
2.Drag the field name to the corresponding field in the detail table.
3.Release the mouse button ,a dialog box appears
4. If required click "enforce referential integrity" to enforce referential integrity between the two tables.
5.Click the "join type" command button to modify the type of join and then click the ok command button
6. Finally,click the create command button to establish a link between the two tables.

30. What do you mean by Referential Integrity?
  • Referential integrity is a database concept that ensures that relationships between tables remain consistent.
  • When one table has a foreign key to another table, the concept of referential integrity states that you may not add a record to the table that contains the foreign key unless there is a corresponding record in the linked table.
  • It also includes the techniques known as cascading update and cascading delete, which ensure that changes made to the linked table are reflected in the primary table.
31.What do you mean by master table?
A master table is a table which contains the primary key field.

32..What do you mean by detail table?
A detail table is a table which contains the foreign key field.

33. How do you save the relationships layout?
  CTRL + S or FILE---->SAVE

34. How is data imported in Access?
Go to file menu and select get external data then,import by selecting the file

35.How is data linked in Access?
1.Go to file menu and select get external data then,import by selecting the file.

36.What is the difference between linking and importing data.

 Link Data Import Data
1. A link is established to the open    1. A copy of the external table is created and stored in the open database
   database.No copies are made
2.Requires no disk storage 2.Requires disk storage
3.Access does not translate any data 3.Access translates some data types of the original
type of the original table table to Access data types
4.The source database format is 4.The copy of source database format is converted to Access format.

37.What are various methods of exporting data from access?
2.Send to
3.Office links
4.Exporting access database objects

38. What do you mean by office links?
Office links feature is used to export access data to a file and immediately start the appropriate Microsoft office program.

39.What are sub data sheet?
Sub data sheets is a datasheet that is nested within another datasheet and that contains data related or joined to the first datasheet.

40. How will you sort data in access?
sorting is the process of arranging the data in a meaningful order. To sort a table, open the table and select the field on which the table should be sorted, click any one of the sort commands buttons. The first sort button sorts the records in the ascending order, while the second sort button sorts the records in the descending order.

41.How will you filter data in access?
A filter is a set of criteria applied to data in order to show a subset of the data or to sort the data.

42.What are the various types of filtering data in access?
1.filter by selection and filter excluding selection
2.filter by form
3.filter by input
4.advance filter/sort

43.What are various operators that can be while filtering data?
1.= < > <= >= <>
2.? * + _ * / \ ^ &
3.and or not

44.What are Queries?
Queries are used ton view, change and analyze data in different ways. We can also use them as the source of records for forms, reports and data access pages.

45. What are the different types of queries in access?
1.select queries
2.parameter queries
3.cross tab queries
4.action queries
5.SQL queries

46.What are the different types of SQL queries?
1.Union Query
2.Pass-through Query
3.Data-definition Query
4. Sub query

47.What are the database formats that we can import or link data from Access?
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Excel
HTML documents
Dbase III,IV,and 5
ODBC databases including Microsoft Sql Server

48. What is a form in Access?
A form is an object in Access to create a data-entry form to enter data in an Access table.

49. What are the different types of forms?

50. What is a report?
A report is an object in Access to generate the summarized output from objects like tables and queries.

51..What are the various types of reports available in Access?
1.Reports using wizard
2.Auto reports like columnar report and tabular report
3.creating charts using wizards
4.generating labels using wizard

52.What do you mean by sub query?
This type of query consists of an SQL SELECT statement inside another select query or action query.


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