1.What are the major factors that influence software cost project?
Programmer ability
product size
product complexity
available time
required reliability
level of technology

2.Give the equation for PM and TDEV for application ,system,utility programs?
Application programs pm=2.4*(KDSI)**1.05
utility programs pm=3.0*(KDSI)**1.12
system programs pm=3.6*(KDSI)**1.20

Application programs TDEV=2.5*(PM)**0.38
utility programs TDEV=2.5*(PM)**0.35
system programs TDEV=2.5*(PM)**0.32

3.What do you mean by house keeping code?
House keeping code is that portion of the source code that handles input/output,interactive user communication,human interface engineering and error checking and error handling.

4.Write a note on WBS?
1.work break down structure method is a bottom up estimation.
2.is a hierarchical chart that accounts for the individual parts of a system
3.it can indicate either product hierarchy or process hierarchy
4.Advantage of WBS is identifying and accounting for various process and product factors and in making explicit exactly which costs are included in the estimate.

5.Write a note on COCOMO?
1.is an algorithmic cost model described by Boehm
2.computes software development effort and cost as a function of program size expressed in estimated DSIs.

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