1.What is the Goal of software requirement?
The Goal of the software requirement is to completely and consistently specify the technical
requirements for the software product in a concise and unambiguous manner,using formal
notations as appropriate.

2.Define data store?
A data store is a conceptual data structure,in which physical implementation details are
suppressed,only the logical characteristics of data are emphasized in data flow diagram.

3.What do you mean by data flow diagram?.
Data flow diagram specify data sources and data sinks ,data stores,transformations to be
performed on the data,and the flow of data between sources,sinks,transformations and stores.

4.What do you mean by formal data flow diagram?
A special notation in which data sources and data sinks are depicted by shaded
rectangles,transformations by ordinary rectangles and data stores by open ended
rectangles.The arcs in a data flow diagram specify data flow and they are labeled with the
names of data items whose characteristics are specified in the data dictionary.

5.what do you mean by informal data flow diagram?
A special notation in which  transformations are specified using circles,arcs specify data
flow,they are labeled with the names of data items whose characteristics are specified in the
data dictionary.

6.Write down the format of software requirement specification?
1. Product overview
2.Development,operating and maintenance environments
3.External Interfaces and Data flow
6.EXCEPTION hand Ling
9.ACCEPTANCE criteria

7.What do you mean by Data Dictionary?
1.Entries in a data dictionary include the name of the data item,attributes such as where
its used,its purpose,where it is derived from,sub items and any notes.
2.Each named entity in the data flow diagram should appear in the data dictionary.

8.What are the desirable properties of software requirement specification?
8.Easily changed

9.what do you mean by implicit equations?
Implicit Equations are named so because they implicitly specify the desired characteristics of a software product.The desired functional behavior is embedded within relationships among system entities.
Mathematical problems are often specified using implicit equations.

10.What do you mean by Recurrence relation?
A Recurrence relation specifies a desired outcome in terms of identical outcomes for simpler
versions of the problem.
Recurrence relations are often used to specify signal processing and other similar time
series operations.

11.What do you mean by Algebraic axioms?
Algebraic Axioms are used to specify the properties of abstract data types.
The syntax of the operators and the relationships among operators are specified.
Algebraic Axioms are formalization of property lists,they specify the desired interactions
that operators to have.
They provide no indication of how to implement the operators in order to achieve the desired

12.What do you mean Regular Expressions?
Regular Expressions are concise notations for defining both finite and infinite sets of symbol strings.
Regular Expressions are notations for specifying various properties of software products.
Applications of regular expressions include specification of valid data streams,syntax of
user command languages and legal sequences of events in a system.

13.What are the techniques included in state -oriented notations?
State oriented notations include
1.decision tables
2.event tables
3.transition tables
4.finite state mechanisms
5. Petri Nets

14.what are the three ways algebraic axioms can be used?
1.as a definition tools
2.as foundations for deductive proofs of desired properties
3.as frame works for examining the completeness  and consistency of functional requirements.

15.What are the techniques included in relational notations?
1.Implicit equations
2.Recurrence relations
3.Algebraic axioms
4.regular expressions

16. What are the two types of completeness?
1.External completeness
2.Internal completeness

17.What do you mean by Internal completeness?
A requirement specification that is internally complete has no undefined entities in the specification.

18.What do you mean by External completeness?
A requirement specification is externally complete if all the desired properties are specified.
External completeness is ultimately a question of whether the customers needs are satisfied
by a software product  that incorporates all the stated specifications.

19.what are the rules for forming regular expressions?
1.Atoms:The basic symbols in the alphabet of interest form regular expressions.
2.Alternation:If R1 and R2 are regular expressions,then (R1|R2) is a regular expression.
3.composition:If R1 and R2 are regular expressions,then (R1 R2) is a regular expression
4.Closure:If R1 is a regular expression,then (R1)* is a regular expression.
5.Completeness:Nothing else is a regular expression.

20.What do you mean by decision tables?
Decision tables are used to specify actions in terms of complex decision criteria.They are
particularly useful when logical combinations of numerous conditions are used to specify the
desired behaviors of a system.

21.What do you mean by event table?
An event table is useful for specifying system behavior when different stimuli result in different actions or outcomes for each of several different modes of operation.

22.what do you mean by Transition table?
Transition tables can be used to specify the next desired state of a system,given the current state and current stimuli.Transition tables and transition diagrams thus provide mechanisms for specifying the various states that a system must occupy when processing symbols from strings specified by the corresponding regular expressions.

23.what do you mean by Petri nets?
Petri nets are state oriented notations for specifying parallelism of operations.They can be used to specify synchronization and mutual exclusion among concurrent operations.

24.What do you mean by Finite state mechanisms?
Finite State mechanisms utilize data flow diagrams in which the data streams are specified using regular expressions and the actions in the processing nodes are specified using transition tables.They are particularly useful for specifying high level system behavior in response to various input stimuli.

25.what do you mean by PSL/PSA?
1.Problem statement Language.
2.PSA-problem statement analyzer is the PSL processor.
3.PSL and PSA were developed as components of the ISDOS project
4.originally developed for data processing applications
5.This model describes system as a set of objects,where each object may have properties,each property may have values.objects may be inter connected and the connections are called as relationships.

26.What do you mean by RSL/REVS?
1.Requirement Statement Language.
2.Its a concise,unambiguous specification of requirements for real time software systems.
3.Requirements Engineering validation System processes and analtzes RSL statements
4.Both RSL and REVS are components of the software requirements engineering methodology(SREM)

27.what are the three major components of REVS?
1.a translator for RSL
2.A centralized data base,the Abstract System Semantic Model(ASSM)
3.A set of automated tools for processing information in ASSM

28.Define SADT?
1.Structured Analysis and Design Technique
2.is called the language of structured analysis(SA).
3.interconnection structure of any large,complex system
4.Not restricted to software systems.

29.Define SSA?
1.Structured system Analysis(SSA)
2.Gane and Sarson version used in data processing applications that have data base requirements.
3.DeMarco version suited to data flow analysis of software systems
4.SSA uses a graphical language to build models of systems.
5.SSA incorporates data base concepts.

30.Write down the features of SSA.
1.dataflow diagrams
2.data dictionaries
3.procedure logic representations
4.data store structuring techniques.

31.Define GIST?
1.GISt is a formal specification language developed at USC/INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE
2.is a textual language based on a relational model of objects and attributes.
3.GIST specification is a formal description of valid behaviors of a system.
4.Refinement of specifications into source code.

32.what are the parts in GIST specification?
1.A specification of object types and relationships between these types.This determines a set of possible states.
2.A specification of actions and demons which define transitions between possible states
3.A specification of constraints on states and state transitions.

33.what do you mean by IOC?
1.Intial Operating Capability (IOC)is a prototype testing facility for software specifications written in GIST.
2.The purpose of IOC is to validate functional specifications by "executing" them on real test data.
3.IOC consists of an evaluator capable of executing specifications expressed in a subset of GIST and programs that permit entering,editing and displaying of GIST specifications.
4. IOC permits state initialization,displaying of states and interactive break pointing and tracing of test case evaluation.

34.what are the two types of SA diagrams?
1.Activity diagram(actigram)
2.Data diagram(datagram)

35.What do you mean by Actigram?
In Actgram the nodes denote activities and the arcs specify data flow between activities.
Actigrams are SA version of data flow diagrams.
Activity diagrams are more frequently used than data diagrams.

36.What do you mean by datagram?
Datagram specify data objects in the nodes and activities on the arcs.
Data diagrams are important for
1.to indicate all activities affected by a given data object
2.to check the completeness and consistency of an SADT model by constructing data diagrams from a set of activity diagrams.

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