• A procedures is a segment of code grouped into a single entity.
  • can re-use them.
  • By doing so,reduces  the need  to re-type the same code over and over again.
  • Once we implement a procedure, we  can use its code by calling that procedure.

Sub procedures:

A Sub procedure can perform some actions, but CANNOT return values.
A Sub procedure is enclosed in Sub and End Sub.


Sub nameOfSubProcedure()
actions to perform
End Sub


Sub displayText()
 document.write("Here is some text");
End Sub

Using parameters:

Parameters are variables placed inside the parentheses of a sub procedure which are used by the code inside the sub procedure in some way.
 Parameters are separated by commas.

Using parameters with a Sub procedure


Sub nameOfSubProcedure(param1, param2, etc.)
actions to perform
End Sub


Sub displayName(name)
document.write("Your name is " & name);
 End Sub

Calling a Sub procedure

To call a Sub procedure, refer to the name of the Sub procedure with the Call statement, and pass the appropriate parameter values to it (if there are any).


Call subProcedureToCall()


Sub printMessage()
document.write("VBScript is a scripting language.")
End Sub
Call printMessage()


VBScript is a scripting language.

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