1. What are VBScript Data Types?
2. Write the syntax of Do-While in VBScript.
3. Define :Array
4. What is meant by Constructor?
5. What is meant by Event Handling?
6. Define:Cookies.
7. List the properties of Page Event.
8. What is the role of a server.
9. List any four HTML Server controls.
10. What is meant by Repeater Control?
11. Define:Dataset Class
12. Write a note on Client Certificates.
13. Describe about VBScript Operators.
14. How to define a VBScript Procedure?Explain with an |Example.
15. What are the advantages of JavaScript?
16. List the Properties of Browser Object.Explain.
17. How to create a simple ASP.NET application?
      Explain it with an Example.
18. Describe about working with IIS.
19. Write short notes on:ASP.NET Page Directives.
20. Discuss about Dictionary Object in VBScript with examples.
21.Elaborate the Control Structures in JavaScript with an example.
22. Explain the JavaScript Document Object Model
23. Discuss about Web Controls in ASP.NET
24. Explain about OLEDB Connection Class.

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