Web Application Lab Madras University Syllabus

Paper:Web Applications Lab(Practical-IV)
Year:I year

1. Write a script to create an array of 10 elements and arrange them in the ascending or descending order.
2. Write a function in Javascript that takes a string and looks at it character by character and perform all the String manipulation.
3. Create a simple calculator which should perform all the mathematical operations.
4. Create a document and add a link to it. Create a new window on that document. When the user moves the mouse over the link , it should load the linked document on it.
5. Create a document that accepts the user’s name in a text field form and displays the same the next time when the user visits the site informing him that he has accessed the site for the second time, and so on.
6. Create a Web form for an online library. This form must be able to accept the Membership Id of the person borrowing a book, the name and ID of the book, and the name of the book’s author. On submitting the form, the user (the person borrowing the book) must be thanked and informed of the date when the book is to be returned. You can enhance the look of the page by using various ASP.NET controls.
7. Use a calendar control in the page to determine the current date (when the book is borrowed) and calculate the due date, which must be three weeks from the current date. Display the due date to the user.
8. Create an array containing the titles of five new movies. Use this array as a data source for a drop down list control. The page must be capable of displaying the selected movie title to the user when the user clicks on the submit button.
9. Create a virtual directory in IIS. Create a global.asax file and include the“Session_Start” and “Session_End” and, “Application_BeginRequest” and “Application_EndRequest” events. Write a simple ASP.NET page and execute it in the browser. What is the output that you get?
10. Create an ASP.NET application. The application must consist of a form that accepts the user’s credentials and validate the same. The user is then allowed to purchase items from the site by filling in a form. The user is finally informed when the purchased goods will be delivered to him/her. 
a. Create a single default error page for any errors occurring in the application.
b. Use ASP.NET debugger to debug the application during its development
c. Enable tracing for the application. Display the user entered data in the purchase form as trace information at the bottom of the purchase page.
d. Switch off tracing for the application.
11. Create the Employee information and perform all the validator controls.
12. Create the simple web services and test the service.
13. Create a ASP.NET application.Send a simple E-Mail to your friends.
14. Create a DataBase application and perform all the operations such as addition, deletion, insertion and updation etc.

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