PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. 

1. What are session tracking techniques?

2. What is the difference between servlet and applet?

3. Which services are provided to EJB components by the EJB container?

4. Expand the term: JMS.

5. “jar u xyz.jar file1.class” command is used to ________________.

6. What is the use of rmi compiler (rmic)?

7. Write the syntax of unless statement in Perl.

8. Define the term: stub.

9. What is meant by model component?

10. Define the term: Cookie.

11. What are the functional areas of glasgow development?

12. Define the indexed property of bean. 

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Discuss about the life cycle of servlet.

14. How to create and deploy a war file? Discuss.

15. Discuss about Servlet Context interface.

16. List out the advantages of java bean.

17. Write short notes on JSP directives.

18. Differentiate between while and until loop in perl.

19. List down JMS components. Explain any two of them.

PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20. Discuss in detail about the usage of jdbc in servlet with an example.

21. Briefly explain the list of interface available in java.beans package.

22. List down java mail components. Explain javax.mail.internet.Mime Message class with an example.

23. Design a web page for login validation in JSP.

24. How to develop applications with RMI? Discuss.

25. Explain in detail about entity beans. 

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