NOVEMBER 2021                              PSB3J

Time : Three hours                              Maximum : 75 marks


PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1.               What is servlet?

2.               Expand JDBC.

3.               What are the elements used in HTML forms?

4.               Define Java beans.

5.               Define Java beans APJ.

6.               What is an Entity bean?

7.               Define session beans

8.               Define EJB clients.

9.               What      are     the     components      used     in     RMI applications?

10.            Define skeletons.

11.            What is JSP?

12.            What is MVC?

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13.            Briefly explain the session management.

14.            Explain the HTML forms in servlet.

15.            How will you design EJB? Explain it.

16.            What are the functions of EJB?

17.            Briefly explain Infobus is Java beans.

18.            How will you PUSH the data from RMI server? Explain it.

19.            Write short notes on error pages in JSP. PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks) Answer any FOUR questions.

20.            Discuss about applet to servlet communication.

21.            Explain Glasgow development in Java beans.

22.            Discuss about EJB development tips, tracks and traps for building distributed system.

23.            How will you declare and implement remote interface?

24.            Describe the elements and directives in JSP.

25.            Explain Java Message Service.





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