1.Why do you need inheritance?
2. What is the intention of super class?
3. What is a thread?
4. How do you handle exception?
5. Can data flow through a stream in both directions?
6. What is InputStream and OutputStream in java ?
7. What is the objective of AWT?.
8. Why do you want socket?
9. What is URL?
10. What is servlet and why it is used?
11. What is meant by struts in java?
12.What is an AWT event?
13. Write a Java program to read 5 elements and print it in reverse order.
14. Briefly discuss on interfaces
15. How does Applets support real time environment.
16. Write notes on TCP/IP sockets
17. How do you adopt port and establish connection using servlets?
18. Write a java program to read a string and check the given string is palindrome.
19. Write a Java program to handle array out of boundary exception.
20. With suitable example describe the various looping statement supported by Java.
21. Write a Java program to manage deadlock environment.
22. How do you manage events in real time applications?.Explain.
23. Discuss in detail on Layout and menus for an applications.
24. With neat diagram describe the servlet life cycle.
25. Write a Java program to perform operator loading with two operands.

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