NOVEMBER 2021                                        /PSB1A

Time : Three hours                                        Maximum : 75 marks

PART A (10 × 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1.              What is friend function?

2.              What is copy constructor?

3.              Give any two examples of operator overloading.

4.              What is virtual function?

5.              How virtual function is defined?

6.              What is the job of manipulator?

7.              What does terminate ( ) do?

8.              State the types of Inheritance.

9.              What is the primary advantage of a Linked List?

10.          Give an example for post order Traversals.

11.          Compare Circular Linked List with Doubly Linked List.

12.          What is Abstract class?

PART B (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13.          Explain inline functions. Give syntax and their uses.

14.          Describe         Independent         reference.        Give        an examples.

15.          Describe the power of templates with example.

16.          Illustrate class template using an examples.

17.          Explain various exception Handling schemes.

18.          How stack is used in evaluating Arithmetic Expression?

19.          How a graph is represented in Memory?

PART C (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20.          Write a C++ program for performing matrix multiplication of size (n ´ n) each.

21.          Write a C++ program for exhibiting various I/O and the related operators.

22.          Write a C++ program for evaluating input and output formatted specification with examples.


23.          Discuss about static class members with example programs.

24.          Briefly explain the concept of inheritance with examples.

25.          Explain the following

(a)       Applications of tree.

(b)      Asymptotic notations.




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