Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 X 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions

1. Define the term LAN.

2. What are peers?

3. Expand AMPS and GSM.

4. Write the merits of Radio frequency.

5. Define the term MODEM.

6. What is NIC?

7. Write the two versions of ALOHA.

8. Define the term sink tree.

9. What is Load shedding?

10. What are subnets?

11. What are sockets?

12. Mention the types of classical encryption techniques. 

PART B — (5 X 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Compare connection oriented and connectionless service.

14. Write short notes on Fiber Optics.

15. Brief on Multiplexing.

16. Describe flow control in Data Link Layer.

17. Write the assumptions for dynamic channel allocation.

18. Explain briefly about IP Address.

19. Describe substitution and transposition ciphers.

PART C — (4 X 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20. Explain TCP/IP reference model with a neat diagram.

21. Discuss on communication satellites. 

22. Explain error correction codes with example.

23. Describe Elementary Data Link protocols.

24. Explain about various routing algorithms.

25. Discuss in detail about Internet Transport protocol.


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