NOVEMBER 2021             SAE5B/SAZ5A

Time : Three hours                                        Maximum : 75 marks PART A (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions. 

1.              What is DBMS?

2.              What is the purpose of a feasibility study?

3.              What is a primary key?

4.              What is the structure of SQL DROP command?

5.              Define :DCL

6.              State any three SQL aggregate functions

7.              What are reports?

8.              Define: sequential organization

9.              What is DBA?

10.          State the purpose of logical security.

11.          What is a distributed database?

12.          What is meant by object oriented database?

PART B (5 ´ 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions.

13.          Discuss the advantages of DBMS.

14.          Write short notes on : Datatypes.

15.          Explain briefly on DDL commands.

16.          Discuss about Testing queries.

17.          Write a short note on procedural languages.

18.          Discuss the Table Operations.

19.          Explain about Backup and Recovery.

PART C (3 ´ 10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions.

20.          Explain about BCNF and 4NF with suitable examples.

21.          Explain various types of joins with examples.

22.          Describe about data storage methods.

23.          Explain about data clustering and partioning.

24.          Describe      the     database      tasks      in     development stages.

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