Time : Three hours                                        Maximum : 75 marks PART A (10 ´ 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1.              Define relational model.

2.              List out the set operations in SQL.

3.              Mention the problem of data redundancy.

4.              Why normalization is needed?

5.              Give the characteristics of relational database.

6.              What is file descriptor?

7.              List the properties of decomposition.

8.              Define hash indices.

9.              What is meant by query optimization?

10.          Define concurrency control.

11.          Write a note on transaction server.

12.          Compare LAN and WAN.

PART B (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions

13.          Describe the components of database system.

14.          What is multivalued dependency? Explain.

15.          Define functional dependency. List and discuss the various functional dependencies.

16.          List out the various kinds of file indexing? Explain any two.

17.          What      is      deadlock?      Discuss       about      deadlock detection methods.

18.          Compare        centralized        computer       system       and distributed computer system.

19.          Write short notes on Parallel System.

PART C (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20.          Write short notes on :

(a)           Tuple relational calculus                                              (5)

(b)           Embedded   SQL.                                                              (5)

21.          Describe the Entity Relationship Model with examples.

22.          What      is     object-based      dataBase?       Explain       the feature of OORDBMS.

23.          What is RAID? Explain in detail.

24.          Describe about testing of Serializability.

25.          Describe shadow paging recovery techniques.










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