NOVEMBER 2021                             PSB3H

Time : Three hours                              Maximum : 75 marks


PART A (10 × 1 = 10 marks) Answer any TEN questions.

1.       What is performance measurement?

2.       What is meant by algorithm?

3.       Define divide and conquer method.

4.       Write     any     two     characteristics     of     Greedy


5.       What       are       the       drawbacks       of       dynamic programming?

6.       Write     the     general     procedure     of     dynamic programming.

7.       What are the factors that influence the efficiency of the backtracking algorithm?

8.       Stale 8-Queens problem.

9.       What are connected components?

10.     Write a note on Big-"oh" notation.

11.     What is lower bound through reduction?

12.     What is comparison tree?

                             PART B (5 × 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions.

13.      What is a randomized algorithm?  Explain briefly about two categories of randomized algorithm?

14.      Write    the    general    plan    for    analyzing    time efficiency of recursive algorithms.

15.      What   is   the   aim   of   Greedy   method?   Give   an example.

16.      Write   an   algorithm   for   the   knapsack   problem using greedy method.

17.     Explain the multistage graphs giving an example.

18.      Describe the Hamiltonian cycle’s problem in an undirected Graph.

19.     Summarize the Oracles and advisory arguments.


PART C (4 × 10 = 40 marks) Answer any FOUR questions.

20.     Define   time   complexity   and   space   complexity.

Write    an    algorithm    for    adding    "n"    natural numbers.

21.     Compare    ordinary    matrix    multiplication    and

Strassen's matrix multiplication.

22.      Illustrate    the    Job    sequencing    with    deadlines through an example.

23.      Explain   about   the   traveling   salesman   problem using dynamic programming.

24.      Discuss  the  8-Queen  problem  using  backtracking method.

25.      Explain  NP-hard  and  NP-complete  problems  with example.




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