5. Explain in detail about EDI.
6. Explain    about    SEPP    with    the    help    of    its    architecture.
7. Write a note on Payment and Purchase order process.
8. Write short notes on (a)   Threats and its types. (b)   Cryptography.  
9. Explain in detail about payment processing.
10.What      is      Software      agent?      Explain      its      characteristics and usefulness.
11. Explain the Anatomy of E-commerce applications.
12. Explain the overview of Internet Applications, in TELCO/CABLE/ON-LINE companies.
13.Explain EDI software implementation in detail.
14.Explain      the      technological      components      of      Education on demand.   
15. Explain about different modes of Electronic Commerce.
16. Describe about Secure Electronic Payment Protocol.
17.Explain briefly on: Security on Web Servers.
18.Explain about Internet Security Strategies.
19.Describe in detail, Business Requirements in MasterCard/Visa Secure Electronic Transaction.
20.Explain any ONE secure E-mail technology for E-Commerce.
21.Explain in detail about EDI.
22.Explain SET with its block diagram.
23.Discuss about payment & purchase order process.
24.Explain in detail about threat.
25.How does E-mail work? Explain.
26.Explain      about      electronic      market      place      technologies.
27. Discuss in detail, SEPP architecture with a neat diagram.
 28.What    are    the    different    electronic    payment    schemes available? Explain them.
29. Explain about security tools.
30. Describe a model for message handling.Explain   the   security   issues   and   approaches related to web-commerce.
31. Explain about SEPP with its architecture.
32.Write a note on host based security.
33.Explain    in    detail    about    specific    intruder approaches.
34.How   does   E-mail   work?   Explain   with   its technologies.
35. Explain in detail about EDI.
36.(a)  What are the steps are included in SET?
 (b)  Write down the host security policies.
37. Write a note on payment and purchase order process.
38. Explain    in    detail    about    specific    intruder approaches.
39. Explain in detail about the digital signature with the block diagram.
40.Describe about Secure Electronic Transaction.
41.Explain briefly on: Online Electronic Cash.
42.Explain about Specific Intruder Approaches.
 43.Describe in detail, Security Teams.
44. Explain about S/MIME.
45.Describe about EDI.
46.Explain about SEPP with its architecture.
47.Write the architecture of firewall with the block diagram.
48.What   are   the   communication   security   threats?   Explain in detail.
49.Explain about MOSS and the related facilities over the Internet.

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