NOVEMBER 2021                             PEB3A

 Time : Three hours                              Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 ´ 1= 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions

1.                     Define: "Vulnerability".

2.                   What are career criminals?

3.                   Write a note on encryption.

4.                  What do you mean by Relocation?

5.                  Define Segmentation.

6.                What is persistent permission?

7.                Write a note on physical database integrity.

8.               What is user authentication?

9.               Define the term SSL.

10.           What do you mean by satellite communication?

11.           Write down the basic steps of risk analysis ?

            What are the characteristics of a good security policy?

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions

13.            Summarize the viruses and other malicious code.

14.            Elaborate       the      characteristics        of     computer intrusion.

15.            Describe the memory and address protection.

16.            Explain the procedure-oriented access control.

17.            What are the reliability and integrity in database? Explain.

18.            Describe the various security threat analyses.

19.            Explain the contents of a security plan. 

PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks) Answer any FOUR questions

20.            Discuss the targeted malicious code in detail.

21.            Explain     the    various     types    of   file    protection mechanisms.

22.            What are the proposals for multilevel security? Explain.

23.            How to establish a virtual private network? Explain.

24.            Illustrate the components of an intrusion detection framework.

25.            How will you protect programs and data? Explain.



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