Java Programming Lab [NEW SYLLABUS]


List of Exercise:

1. Write a Java program to find area and perimeter of different shapes.

2. Write a java Program to find sum of n prime numbers.

3. Write a java program to find simple and compound Interest using this keyword.

4. Write a Java program to create a class account using the inheritance and static that show all function of the bank(Withdrawal, Deposit) .

5. Write a Java program to perform different string manipulation.

6. Write a Java program to handle exception using try and multiple catch block.

7. Write a java program that connects to a database using JDBC and perform add, deletes, modify and retrieve operations

8. Write a program to demonstrate the use of AWT components like Label, Textfield, TextArea, Button, Checkbox, RadioButtonetc

9. Write a program using AWT to create a menubar where menubar contains menu items such as File, Edit, View and create a submenu under the File menu: New and Open.

10. Develop an Applet that receives an integer in one text field & compute its factorial value & returns it in another text filed when the button “Compute” is clicked.

11. Write a program to demonstrate status of key on Applet window such as KeyPressed, KeyReleased, KeyUp, KeyDown

12. Write a program to demonstrate various mouse events using MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interface

13. Write a Servlet program to send username and password using HTML forms and authenticate the user

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