Definition of Operating System:

An Operating system is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.
Examples of computer operating systems

Microsoft Windows 7 - PC and IBM compatible operating system. Microsoft Windows is the most commonly found and used operating system.

Apple MacOS - Apple computer operating system. The only Apple computer operating system.

Ubuntu Linux - A popular variant of Linux used with PC and IBM compatible computers.

Google Android - operating system used with Android compatible phones.

iOS - Operating system used with the Apple iPhone.


Three views of an operating system

1.Application View:what services does it provide?

2.System View:what problems does it solve?

3.Implementation View:how is it built?
Application View of an Operating System

The OS provides an execution environment for running programs.

*The execution environment provides a program with the processor time and memory space that it needs to run.

*The execution environment provides interfaces through which a program can use networks, storage, I/O devices, and other system hardware components.

** interfaces provide a simplified, abstract view of hardware to applicationprograms.

*The execution environment isolates running programs from one another and prevents undesirable interactions among them.
System View:

The OS manages the hardware resources of a computer system.

* Resources include processors, memory, disks and other storage devices,network interfaces, I/O devices such as keyboards, mice and monitors, and so on.

*The operating system allocates resources among running programs. It controls the sharing of resources among programs.

*The OS itself also uses resources, which it must share with application program
Implementation View

*Concurrency arises naturally in an OS when it supports concurrent applications, and because it must interact directly with the hardware

*Hardware interactions also impose timing constraints
Operating system goals:

1.Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier

2.Make the computer system convenient to use

3.Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner

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