1. Write down the storage device hierarchy with its diagram.
  2. What is virtual machine?
  3. Write the difference between job and process scheduler.
  4. When does deadlock situation arise?
  5. Define: Monitor.
  6. What is overlay?
  7. Write down the differences between paging and segmentation scheme.
  8. What is virtual memory?
  9.  Define: Thrashing.
  10. What are  file attributes?
  11.  What is an Interface?
  12.  What is Encryption?
  13. Define operating system.
  14.  What is a process?
  15.  What are the types of management present in operating system?
  16.  What is semaphore?
  17.  What is monitor? Draw the diagrammatic view of a monitor.
  18. What is dynamic loading?
  19.  What are the problems occurred due to fragmentation?
  20.  What is the use of paging scheme?
  21.  List down the types of access methods.
  22.  What is a file?
  23. Write down the examples for peripheral device.
  24.  How can we give authentication? Explain.
  25. What is an operating system?
  26. 26. Define Kernel.
  27.  List any Three OS Components.
  28.  List the various process states.
  29.  What is meant by context switch?
  30.  Define Deadlock.
  31. What do you mean by best fit?
  32.  Define swapping.
  33. Define Demand Paging.
  34.  What is Virtual Memory?
  35.  List the Three Basic functions of hardware clocks and timers.
  36.  What do you mean by Access Right?
  37.  What is an operating system?
  38.  What you mean by a Layered Approach?
  39.  List any Three OS Components.
  40.  What is a Process?
  41.  What is meant by context switch?
  42.  Define Deadlock.
  43.  What do you mean by best fit?
  44.  What is meant by segmentation?
  45.  Define Demand Paging.
  46.  What is lazy swapper?
  47.  List the Three Basic functions of hardware clocks and timers.
  48.  Define Stream Cipher.
  49.  What is device controller?
  50.  What is thread in OS?
  51.  Define the term: Race condition.
  52.  When deadlock situation will arise?
  53.  What is semaphore?
  54.  What is address spare?
  55.  What is the use of paging scheme?
  56.  Write the disadvantages of fragmentation.
  57.  Define the term: Paging.
  58.  What is a file?
  59.  What is an interface?
  60.  Give four examples for secondary storage devices.
  61.  What is Process?
  62.  Define Turnaround time.
  63.  Define Job.
  64.  What is segmentation?
  65.  Define Deadlock.
  66.  What is paging?
  67.  What is time sharing?
  68.  Define Device drivers.
  69.  What is buffer?
  70.  Write the names of any two operating systems.
  71.  What is operating system?
  72.  What is lazy swapper?
  73.  What is operating system?
  74.  What is swapping?
  75.  What are the two schemes of distributed system?
  76.  What is paging?
  77.  Define: semaphore.
  78.  What is turnaround time?
  79.  What is segmentation?
  80.  What is deadlock?
  81.  Define virtual memory.
  82.  What is thrashing?
  83.  What do you mean by best fit?
  84.  What is meant by context switch?
  85.  What are Privileged Instructions?
  86.  Define Kernel.
  87.  Why is the operating system viewed as the resource allocator?
  88.  List the various process states.
  89.  Define Thread.
  90.  What are the conditions under which a deadlock situation may arise?
  91.  What is the main function of Memory Management Unit (MMU)?
  92.  Define Swapping.
  93.  List any TWO page replacement algorithms.
  94.  What is Virtual Memory?
  95.  Name the FOUR registers of I/O Port.
  96.  Define Access Right.
  97.  What is mode bit?
  98.  Define: Protection.
  99.  What is network operating system?
  100.  Define: Signal ( ) and Wait ( ).
  101.  Define process.
  102.  Define: Turnstile.
  103.  What is paging?
  104.  Define: TLB.
  105.  What is demand paging?
  106.  Define: Page-table.
  107.  What is interrupt?
  108.  Define: Daisy chain.


  • Explain about any two types of systems.
  • Explain about the services that are provided by the operating system.
  • What is Interprocess communication? And how does it perform?
  • What are the requirements to satisfy critical section problem?
  • Write short notes on: Dynamic loading and linking.
  • Explain about any one of page replacement algorithm.
  • How to transform I/O requests to hardware operations? Explain.
  • Explain about any two types of operating systems.
  • Write short notes on threads.
  • What is critical section? What are the requirements that must satisfy to avoid these section problems?
  • How to protect deadlock situation? Explain.
  • Write the comparisons between contiguous and non-contiguous allocation.
  •  Write a note on page replacement and its requirement.
  •  How to transform I/O request to hardware operation? Explain briefly.
  •  Explain the process control block.
  •  How to eliminate deadlocks using resource pre-emption?
  •  Discuss in short about Address Binding.
  •  Explain the Optimal Page Replacement algorithm.
  •  Give a note on Direct Memory Access (DMA).
  •  Explain the various process states with a diagram.
  •  Explain the methods for handling deadlocks.
  •  Write the benefits of a Virtual-Machine.
  •  What are the FOUR conditions that a deadlock situation can arise?
  •  Discuss in short about Address Binding.
  •  Write a short note on Trashing.
  •  Give a note on Direct Memory Access (DMA).
  •  Explain the various process states with a diagram.
  •  Explain the methods for handling deadlocks.
  • Write the comparison between any two types of systems.
  •  List and explain briefly about the operating system services.
  •  Write short notes on: Process, PCB and Threads.  Explain about any one of the Classic – problem of synchronization.
  •  (a) Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation.

 (b) Write the comparison between logical and physical address space.

·         Write short notes on: Thrashing.

·          What are the ways of implementing the access matrix? Explain briefly.

·          Discuss on evolution of operating system.

·         . What are the functions of operating system?

·          Explain interprocess communication.

·          What is process state diagram? Explain.

·          Explain the partitioned memory allocation.

·          Describe how swapping takes place in memory management.

·          Describe various file operations.

·         Write short notes on: Evolution of operating system.

·         Explain interprocess communication.

·          Explain how count semaphore can be implemented using binary semaphore.

·          Describe how swapping takes place in memory management.

·          What are fragmentation and storage compaction? Explain.

·          Describe the functions of file management.

·          Write a note on disk drivers.

·          Write a short note on Dual Mode Operation.

·          Describe the Critical Selection Problem.

·          Write a short note on Memory Allocation.

·          Explain the Optimal Page Replacement algorithm.

·          Write a short note on Polling.

·          Explain the process control block.

·          How to eliminate deadlocks using resource pre-emption?13. Explain on storage-device hierarchy.

·         Write about multiprocessor systems.

·         Write a note on ‘‘Semaphores’’.

·          Explain the internal and external fragmentation.

·          Describe the various access methods in file system.

·          Explain on two level and acyclic-graph directories.

·          Write about network devices and application I/O interface.


·          Explain about Shortest–Job first scheduling of CPU.

·         Write a note on : Deadlock. How to get recovery from Deadlock?

·         Explain about the paged memory management scheme with its diagram.

·         What are the ways of accessing the information from the file? Explain them.

·         (A) What is spooling?

 (b) What is kernel?

 (c) What is Authentication?

 (d) What is Threat?

 Give a brief note on the above of each.

·         Discuss in detail about Process Scheduling.

·         Write a detail note on deadlock prevention.

·         Explain Basic Paging in detail.

·         Write a detail note on page replacement?

·         Describe in detail about Encryption.

·         Discuss in detail about Process Scheduling.

·         Describe about Recovery from Deadlock.

·         Explain Paging in detail.

·         Write a detail note on Basic page replacement.

·         Discuss the Security Problem in detail.

·         Explain in detail about Round – Robin scheduling.

·         Describe about any one of the deadlock avoidance algorithm.

·         Write a note on paging scheme

·         Write about the Indexed allocation methods and also explain how it is more advantageous than

Other allocation methods.

·         Discuss about the Kernel I/O system.

·         What do you mean by multiprogramming? How it differs from time-sharing operating system?

·         Explain the following scheduling algorithms.

 (a) Round Robin

 (b) Shortest-Job-First

·         Discuss in detail about deadlock with example.

·         Explain the various techniques used in demand paged memory management.

·         Discuss in detail about I/O Controller.

·         What are the merits and demerits of segmented memory management and paged memory Management? Explain.

·         Describe how to detect and avoid the deadlock.

·         Discuss in detail about I/O controller.

·         Discuss the file security and protection problems handled by operating system.

·         Explain the following scheduling algorithms.

 (a) Round robin

 (b) Shortest-Job-First

 (c) FCFS.

·         Explain the Scheduling criteria and any ONE Scheduling algorithm.

·         Write a detail note on deadlock prevention.

·         Discuss in detail about Segmentation.

·         Explain the various File Access Methods.

·         Describe in detail about Encryption.

·         Explain in detail about storage management.

·         Explain on recovery from deadlock and detection of deadlock.

·         Describe the segmentation schemes and paging.

·         Explain the various file concepts in detail.

·         Discuss about I/O hardware in detail.

·         Explain about process scheduling with a diagram in detail.

·         Explain in detail about classical problem of synchronization.

·          Explain in detail about (a) swapping and (b) overlays.

·         Write in detail about implementation of file system.

·         Discuss about the access, matrix with its implementation.

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