NOVEMBER 2021        SAE5A


Time : Three hours                                        Maximum : 75 marks PART A (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1.              Draw the structure of OS.

2.              What is CPU scheduling?

3.              Write about semaphores,

4.              Name the deadlock detection methods.

5.              Write about internal and external fragmentation.

6.              What is meant by paging?

7.              What is meant by demand paging?

8.              Define threading.

9.              What is mean by page replacement?

10.          What is Fragmentation?

11.          What      is     the     difference      between     logical     and physical address space?

12.          What is mean by Inter process communication?

PART B (5 ´ 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions.

13.          Explain any one scheduling algorithm with an example.

14.          Explain           in         detail          about         the         process synchronization.

15.          Describe       in      detail       about      the      paging       and segmentation.

16.          Explain the page replacement algorithms.

17.          Illuminate about the Application I/O interface.

18.          Write in detail about the non contiguous memory allocation.

19.          Explain in detail about the process management.


PART C (3 ´ 10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions.

20.          What is process? Explain in detail about the process scheduling.

21.          Explain in detail about deadlock.

22.          Discuss in detail about the dynamic loading and linking. 

23.          Explain about the file system structures.

24.          What are threats? Explain the threat monitoring.




























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