Programming in Java [NEW SYLLABUS]


Unit – I

The History and Evolution of Java – Object Oriented Programming - Data Types, Variables and Arrays - Operators – Control Statements.

Unit – II

Introducing Classes - Class Fundamentals – Declaring Objects –Introducing Methods - Constructors – this Keyword - Garbage Collection – Finalize() Method – Methods and Classes – Inheritance – Packages and Interfaces.

Unit – III

Exception Handling – The Java Thread Model – Enumeration Fundamentals – String Handling – The Stream Classes – Byte Stream – Character Streams.

unit – IV

The Applet Class – Event Handling - Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics and Text – AWT Controls, Layout Managers and Menus- Networking.

Unit – V

Java Beans – Advantages of Java Bean – Introducing Swing – Swing Buttons – Servlets – JDBC – Applications on databases - Multimedia streaming applications – Java Media Framework.

Text Book

1. The Complete Reference - Java – Seventh Edition , Herbt Schildt- ISBN 978-0-07- 163177-8

Reference Book

2. Hortsmann & Cornell, “Core Java2 Advanced Features, Vol II”, Pearson Education, 2002.

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