PART A — (10 X 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1. Write any four OOP concepts.

2. What is the difference between static and a non static inner class?

3. What is a string class?

4. What are the steps to be followed while implementing interfaces?

5. Mention any two methods defined by Thread class.

6. How I/O operations are handled in Java?

7. What value is a variable of the string type automatically initialized?

8. What is URL?

9. What are called Java utilities?

10. What are the different types of layout managers available in java AWT? 

11. If a servlet is not properly initialized, what exception may be thrown?

12. What is servlet mapping? 

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Explain the control structures of Java with examples.

14. Discuss about super class constructors in Java.

15. What is a Java package and how it is used?

16. How will you create single and multiple threads in Java?

17. Explain about the order of applet initialization and termination.

18. Explain AWT controls with illustration.

19. State the role and Environment of servlets.

PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20. Explain data type conversion and casting feature of Java with an example.

21. How two arrays are merged in to a single array? Write java code. 

22. Explain about suspending, resuming and stopping the threads in Java with an example.

23. Describe proxy server, Net address and datagrams, discuss the basics and how they are used in programming.

24. Write a program for maintaining students mark list using JDBC.

25. Describe servlet life cycle and how communication takes place between HTML and servlet. 

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