NOVEMBER 2021                                          SEE5A/ SEZ5A/SEU6C 

Time: Three hours                                         maximum: 75 marks PART A (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.


1.              What is project explorer?

2.              What is the purpose of properties window?

3.              List out any four commands in menu bar.

4.              What statements can be used to declare a variable?

5.              Differentiate between numeric data and String data.

6.              What are the four special values?

7.              What is the purpose of load statement in Visual Basic?

8.              What are the elements of form?

9.              What is the use of check box?

10.          What are the three ways the user can change the scroll bar control?

11.          Define: “MDI form”.

12.          How does data control work?

PART B (5 ´ 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions.

13.          Describe the uses of image controls.

14.          Summarize the properties of command button.

15.          Write a Visual Basic program to arrange the given set of number in an ascending order.

16.          What are the steps needed to delete a record from database? Explain.

17.          When would it be a good idea to use a grid control?

18.          How will you access child forms? Give example.

19.          Explain       the      error     trapping       in      visual      basic applications.

PART C (3 ´ 10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions.

20.          Illustrate the properties of text box control.

21.          Explain differences between Do Loop and For- Next Loop.

22.          Discuss the steps to add and remove controls in a control array.

23.          How will you create an MDI application? Explain.

24.          Outline the purpose of file system objects in Visual Basic.




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