NOVEMBER 2021                                      /PSBEA

Time : Three hours                                       Maximum : 75 marks PART A (10 ´ 1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1.              What is the use of Text Box?

2.              Name any four data types in VB.

3.              Write the general format for For…. Next Loop.

4.              Write any four numeric functions in VB.

5.              Define the term array.

6.              Why is error trapping important?

7.              What are VB objects?

8.              Expand MDI.

9.              Expand COM/OLE.

10.          How do you handle errors in Visual Basic?

11.          Write the command used to create a file.

12.          What is the most important property used in labels?

PART B (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions

13.          Write short notes on toolbox controls in VB.

14.          What are the Image Controls in VB? Explain.

15.          Illustrate the determinate loops in VB.

16.          How do you make control arrays in VB? Give an example.

17.          Discuss about the Projects with Multiple forms.

18.          Write brief notes on dialog boxes.

19.          Give a detailed notes on Visual Basic and the Internet.

PART C (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

20.          Write a VB program to find Fibonacci series.

21.          Explain any ten built-in functions in VB.

22.          Discuss the concept of grid control.

23.          How do you work with graphics? Explain.

24.          Write short notes on the following :

(a)           File System Controls

(b)           File System Objects.


25.          Give detailed notes on Visual basic and Databases.






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