APRIL 2021 51315/SAE6B/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions

1. What is a script language?

2. Write the use of VBScript.

3. What is a JavaScript?

4. Write down the properties of objects in JavaScript.

5. Define the term “Array”.

6. What is the use of break statement in JavaScript?

7. Define: “Cookies”.

8. Write a note on HTML.

9. What is page structure in ASP.NET?

10. Write down the properties of Label in ASP.NET. 

11. Define the term “E-Mail”.

12. What do you mean by transaction class?

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Explain the Date and time functions of VBScript.

14. Describe the mathematical functions of VBScript.

15. How to declare a function in JavaScript? Explain.

16. Summarize the document object in JavaScript.

17. What are the properties and compiler directives in ASP.NET? Explain.

18. Write down the purpose of check box list in ASP.NET.

19. Describe working with IIS and page directives.

PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions. 

20. Explain any three string functions of VBScript.

21. Discuss the different operators in JavaScript. 

22. Illustrate the browser object in JavaScript.

23. What are the basic web server controls in ASP.NET? Explain.

24. Elaborate the OLEDB connection class with simple example. 

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