Saturday 9 October 2021



Title of the Course/  Paper

Computer Networks


Second Year & Third Semester

Credit:  4

Sl. No. : 15

Objective of the course

This course gives an insight into various network models and the general network design issues and related algorithms.

Course outline

Unit 1: Introduction – Network Hardware – Software – Reference Models – OSI and TCP/IP models – Example networks: Internet, ATM, Ethernet and Wireless LANs  - Physical layer – Theoretical basis for data communication - guided transmission media

Unit 2: Wireless transmission - Communication Satellites – Telephones structure –local loop, trunks and multiplexing, switching.   Data link layer:  Design issues – error detection and correction.

Unit 3: Elementary data link protocols ‑ sliding window protocols – Data Link Layer in the Internet - Medium Access Layer – Channel Allocation Problem – Multiple Access Protocols.

Unit 4:  Network layer ‑ design issues ‑ Routing algorithms ‑ Congestion control algorithms – IP protocol – IP Address – Internet Control Protocol.

Unit 5 : Transport layer ‑ design issues ‑ Connection management ‑ Addressing, Establishing & Releasing a connection – Simple Transport Protocol – Internet Transport Protocol (TCP) - Network Security: Cryptography.


1. Recommended Texts

(i)                 A. S.Tanenbaum, 2003, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, ‑ Pearson Education, Inc, (Prentice hall of India Ltd), Delhi.

2. Reference Books

(i)         B. Forouzan, 1998, Introduction to Data Communications in Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

(ii)               F. Halsall, 1995, Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison Wessley.

(iii)             D. Bertsekas and R. Gallagher, 1992, Data Networks, Prentice hall of India, New Delhi.

(iv)             Lamarca, 2002, Communication Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

3. Website, E-learning resources


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