Saturday 26 November 2022

Java program to perform different string manipulation.


package stringmanipulation;





        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

           System.out.println("Enter your choice");

          System.out.println("1. To use Length method of the String");

          System.out.println("2. To use indexof method the String");

          System.out.println("3. To use CharAt method of the String");

          System.out.println("4. To use CompareTO method of the String");

          System.out.println("5. To use Contain method of the String");

          System.out.println("6. To use endsWith method of the String");

          System.out.println("7. To use Repalce method of the String");

          System.out.println("8. To use tolowercase method of the String");

          System.out.println("9. To use touppercase method of the String");

          System.out.println("10. To use Concatenate method of the String");


          int choice=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());



             case 1:

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s1=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Length of the given "+ s1+" String is ="+s1.length());


             case 2:

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s2=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter the character to find its position");

             String s3=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("String index starts from 0");

             System.out.println("Index of the given  "+ s3 +" String in string  "+s2+" is ="+s2.indexOf(s3));


             case 3:

             System.out.println("3. To use CharAt method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s4=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter the position to find its character");

             int p=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

             System.out.println("Character at the given position " +p+" from the string "+s4+" is = "+s4.charAt(p));


             case 4:

             System.out.println("4. To use CompareTO method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s5=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter any String to compare");

             String s6=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Comparision value of string "+s5+" with string "+s6+" is = "+s6.compareTo(s5));


             case 5:

             System.out.println("5. To use Contain method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s7=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter any String to find ");

             String s8=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Contains string " + s8+" :"+s7.contains(s8));


             case 6:

             System.out.println("6. To use endsWith method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s9=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter any character to check at suffix ");

             String s10=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Ends with the char " + s10+" :"+s9.endsWith(s10));


             case 7:

             System.out.println("7. To use Repalce method of the String"); 

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s11=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter the substring to replace ");

             String s12=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter the substring to replace with ");

             String s13=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("String after Replacement is "+s11.replace(s12, s13));


             case 8:

             System.out.println("8. To use tolowercase method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s14=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Lowercase of the given string  "+s14+" is "+s14.toLowerCase());


             case 9:

             System.out.println("9. To use touppercase method of the String");

             System.out.println("Enter any String");

             String s15=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Uppercase of the given string  "+s15+" is "+s15.toUpperCase());


             case 10:

             System.out.println("10. To use Concatenate method of the String");  

             System.out.println("Enter the first  String");

             String s16=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("Enter the second String");

             String s17=br.readLine();

             System.out.println("String after concatenation is "+s16.concat(s17));



  System.out.println("Please select your choice between 1-10");






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